FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/IP Units or Built-in EtherNet/IP Ports Appendix E
Response Block
FINS/TCP Connection No. (Command, Response)
Command: Specifies, in two bytes, the FINS/TCP connection number (1 to 16) for which the status is to be
Response: Specifies the FINS/TCP connection number (1 to 16) for which the status was read.
Connection Service (Response)
Specifies the service that is being used for the FINS/TCP connection as a number.
0003: FINS/TCP server
0004: FINS/TCP client
Local IP Address (Response)
Specifies the IP address for the local node in hexadecimal.
Local TCP Port Number (Response)
Specifies the TCP port number for the local node.
Remote IP Address (Response)
Specifies the IP address for the remote node in hexadecimal.
Remote TCP Port Number (Response)
Specifies the TCP port number for the remote node.
TCP Transitions (Response)
Specifies the TCP connection status using the following numbers.
For details on TCP status changes, refer to Appendix C TCP Status Transitions.
TCP transition
27 31
Local TCP
port number
Remote IP
Remote TCP
port number
Local IP addressFINS/TCP
Number Status Meaning
00000000 CLOSED Connection closed.
00000001 LISTEN Waiting for connection.
00000002 SYN SENT SYN sent in active status.
00000003 SYN RECEIVED SYN received and sent.
00000004 ESTABLISHED Already established.
00000005 CLOSE WAIT FIN received and waiting for completion.
00000006 FIN WAIT 1 Completed and FIN sent.
00000007 CLOSING Completed and exchanged FIN. Awaiting ACK.
00000008 LAST ACK FIN sent and completed. Awaiting ACK.
00000009 FIN WAIT 2 Completed and ACK received. Awaiting FIN.
0000000A TIME WAIT After closing, pauses twice the maximum seg-
ment life (2MSL).