Appendix G
Precautions for Using Windows XP, Vista, or
Windows 7
Changing Windows Firewall Settings
Better firewall security for Windows XP (SP2 or higher), Windows Vista, and Windows 7 has increased the
restrictions for data communications on Ethernet ports. When using an EtherNet/IP connection*1 to one of the
following PLCs from an Ethernet port on a computer, you must change the settings of the Windows Firewall to
enable using CX-Programmer or Network Configurator communications.
Applicable PLCs:
*1 CX-Programmer
• An EtherNet/IP connection includes the following cases:
• An online connection with the network type set to EtherNet/IP
• An automatic online connection to a PLC on an EtherNet/IP network when Auto Online - EtherNet/IP
Node Online is selected from the PLC Menu
Network Configurator
• A connection made by selecting Option - Select Interface - Ethernet I/F
Note Windows Firewall is mainly designed to prevent inappropriate access from external devices (e.g., via the
Internet). The changes to the Windows Firewall settings described in this document enable EtherNet/IP
connections to be used by the CX-Programmer. If the same computer is being used on a company net-
work or other network, confirm that the changes will not create security problems before proceeding with
the changes. The changes described in this document are required only when you connect using Ether-
Net/IP through an Ethernet port. No changes are necessary if you are connecting through any other
port, such as a USB port.
Changing Windows Firewall Settings
Windows XP
1. When you attempt to connect the CX-Programmer or Network Configurator to a PLC on an EtherNet/IP net-
work through an Ethernet port, the Windows Security Alert Dialog Box will be displayed.
2. Click the Unblock Button.
An EtherNet/IP connection will be accepted from CX-Programmer or Network Configurator and EtherNet/
IP connections will be enabled in the future as well.
Windows Vista or Windows 7
Use the following procedure to change the settings before attempting to connect from the CX-Programmer or
Network Configurator.