Adjusting the Communications Load Section 10-2
10-2-1 Checking Bandwidth Usage for Tag Data Links
The Network Configurator can display the bandwidth actually used for tag
data links at each EtherNet/IP Unit, based on the connections set in the net-
work configuration.
The device bandwidth used by tag data links can be checked by clicking the
Detail Button in the Usage of Device Bandwidth Area at the bottom of the Net-
work Configuration Window.
Item Description
# The IP address of the device.
Comment A description of the device. The comment is displayed below
the device icon. The model number of the device is displayed
by default.
Usage of Capacity The percentage of the allowable communications bandwidth
used for tag data links for the device is displayed.
Bandwidth used
รท Allowable tag data link bandwidth
The values outside parentheses are for when multicast filtering
is used.
The values inside parentheses are for when multicast filtering
is not used.
Mbit/s The bandwidth used for communications by the device of the
100-Mbps network bandwidth is shown.
The values outside parentheses are for when multicast filtering
is used.
The values inside parentheses are for when multicast filtering
is not used.
Usage of IP Multi-
cast Addresses
The number of multicast IP addresses actually used for com-
munications by the device is shown.