FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/IP Units or Built-in EtherNet/IP Ports Appendix E
Response Block
Memory Status (Response)
A total of 23 data items in six areas are returned in the following order. Each item consists of 4 bytes.
1) Short Buffer Application: Two items are returned (8 bytes).
1. The number of short buffers currently being used.
2. The number of short buffers in the system (fixed at 23,928 decimal).
2) Short Buffer Application by Type: Thirteen items are returned (52 bytes).
1. The number of short buffers used for storing communications data
2. The number of short buffers used for protocol headers (TCP, UDP, IP, ICMP, ARP)
3. The number of short buffers used in socket structures
4. The number of short buffers used as protocol control blocks
5. The number of short buffers used for routing tables
6. Not used (always 0)
7. Not used (always 0)
8. The number of short buffers used for IP fragment re-assembly queue headers
9. The number of short buffers used for storing socket addresses
10. Not used (always 0)
11. The number of short buffers used for storing socket options
12. The number of short buffers used for storing access rights
13. The number of short buffers used for storing interface addresses
3) Long Buffer Application: Two items are returned (8 bytes).
1. The number of long buffers currently being used.
2. The number of long buffers in the system (fixed at 64 decimal).
4) Not Used: Always 0. (4 bytes)
5) Network Memory Application: Two items are returned (8 bytes).
1. The number of bytes used (in K bytes)
2. The percentage used
6) Memory Exhaustion Log (12 bytes)
Counts for the following values indicate a high load on the EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP port. These
high loads may be caused by problems in communications, particularly FINS communications and UDP sock-
ets. If these values are consistently high, check your applications.
1. The number of times an attempt was made to secure a short buffer without WAIT when there were no short
buffers available.
2. The number of times an attempt was made to secure a short buffer with WAIT when there were no short
buffers available.
3. The number of times an attempt was made to release and secure a short buffer already being used by an-
other socket when there were no short buffers available.
Memory statusResponse
27 63
92 bytes