EtherNet/IP Unit Features Section 1-1
1-1 EtherNet/IP Unit Features
EtherNet/IP is an industrial multi-vendor network that uses Ethernet compo-
nents. The EtherNet/IP specifications are open standards managed by the
ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vendor Association), just like DeviceNet.
EtherNet/IP is not just a network between controllers; it is also used as a field
network. Since EtherNet/IP uses standard Ethernet technology, various gen-
eral-purpose Ethernet devices can be used in the network. The EtherNet/IP
Unit and built-in EtherNet/IP port have the following features.
High-speed, High-capacity
Data Exchange through
Data Links
The EtherNet/IP protocol supports implicit communications, which allows
cyclic communications (called tag data links in this manual) with EtherNet/IP
devices. Data can be exchanged at high speed between Controllers and
devices, using high-volume tag sets (up to 640 words for the CJ2M and up to
184,832 words for other CPU Units) between PLCs.
Tag Data Link (Cyclic
Communications) Cycle
Tag data links (cyclic communications) can operate at the cyclic period speci-
fied for each application, regardless of the number of nodes. Data is
exchanged over the network at the refresh cycle set for each connection, so
the communications refresh cycle will not increase even if the number of
nodes is increased, i.e., the synchronicity of the connection’s data is pre-
Since the refresh cycle can be set for each connection, each application can
communicate at its ideal refresh cycle. For example, a processes interlocks
can be transferred at high speed while the production commands and the sta-
tus monitor information are transferred at low speed.
Note The communications load to the nodes must be within the Units’ allowed com-
munications bandwidth.
Communicating with FINS
Messages (FINS/TCP and
Data can be exchanged with other OMRON FA devices using SEND, RECV,
and CMND instructions from the ladder program, because EtherNet/IP sup-
ports OMRON’s standard FINS message communications services.
There are two kinds of message services, using UDP/IP and TCP/IP (called
FINS/UDP and FINS/TCP), allowing flexible data exchange for different appli-
Note There are no particular restrictions when sending FINS messages to OMRON
Ethernet Units (CS1W-ETN21 or CJ1W-ETN21) in an Ethernet network.
Network Connections with
Controller Link
Mutual connections of Controller Link and EtherNet/IP are also supported
(using the FINS communications service). The Controller Link connection
allows a PLC on the Controller Link network to be monitored from a PLC on
the EtherNet/IP network. Conversely, data can be exchanged with a PLC on
the EtherNet/IP network from a PLC on the Controller Link network.
(3) Switching hub
CX-One Support
(2) Twisted-pair cable
100 m
(1) CS1W-EIP21 EtherNet/IP
Unit for CS-series
(1) CJ1W-EIP21
EtherNet/IP Unit
Ethernet (LAN) port
(1) Built-in EtherNet/IP port on
CJ2 CPU Unit
EtherNet/IP S
stem Confi
uration Exam