Adjusting the Communications Load Section 10-2
If the RPI is set to 50 ms for all connections and the usage of capacity is
40%, the usage of capacity may increase to 80% when the RPI is reduced
to 25 ms for all connections.
Note Performing message communications or other network operations from the
Network Configurator (such as monitoring or other operations that place a
load on the network) or from the user application when the tag data link band-
width usage of capacity is between 80% and 100% can create an excessive
load on the network and result in timeouts. If timeouts occur, increase one or
all of the RPI settings or reduce the usage of capacity.
10-2-3 Adjusting Device Bandwidth Usage
Switching Hubs without
Multicast Filtering (100-
Mbps Hubs)
• Is the network bandwidth without multicast filtering usage under
100 Mbps for each node? (This appears as “Mbit/s” in the dialog box
shown on page 269.)
→ If any node exceeds 100 Mbps, change the connections settings, such
as the RPI.
• Is the usage of capacity without multicast filtering under 100% for each
node? (This appears as “Usage of Capacity” in the dialog box shown on
page 269.)
→ If any node exceeds 100%, change the connections settings, such as
the RPI.
• Is the total network bandwidth usage under 100 Mbps? (This appears as
“Network Total of Max. Mbit/s” in the dialog box shown on page 269.)
→ If the total bandwidth usage exceeds 100 Mbps, the bandwidth of part
of the transmission path (e.g., a switching hub or media converter) had
been exceeded as the result of how the network was wired (e.g., switch
hub or cascade connection), causing a tag data link to operate abnor-
mally. Check the bandwidth of the transmission path for all cascade con-
nections. If the bandwidth is exceeded, rewire the network or increase the
bandwidth between switching hubs (e.g., to 1 Gbps). If these countermea-
sures are not possible, change the connection settings, e.g., the RPI set-
tings, and adjust the bandwidth for all cascade connections until the total
network bandwidth is not exceeded.
Switching Hubs with
Multicast Filtering (100-
Mbps Hubs)
• Is the network bandwidth usage under 100 Mbps for each node?
→ If any node exceeds 100 Mbps, change the connections settings, such
as the RPI.
• Is the usage of capacity under 100% for each node?
→ If any node exceeds 100%, change the connections settings, such as
the RPI.
• Is the total network bandwidth usage under 100 Mbps? (This appears as
“Network Total of Max. Mbit/s” in the dialog box shown on page 269.)
→ If the total bandwidth usage exceeds 100 Mbps, the bandwidth of part
of the transmission path (e.g., a switching hub or media converter) had
been exceeded as the result of how the network was wired (e.g., switch
hub or cascade connection), causing a tag data link to operate abnor-
mally. Check the bandwidth of the transmission path for all cascade con-
nections. If the bandwidth is exceeded, rewire the network or increase the
bandwidth between switching hubs (e.g., to 1 Gbps). If these countermea-
sures are not possible, change the connection settings, e.g., the RPI set-
tings, and adjust the bandwidth for all cascade connections until the total
network bandwidth is not exceeded.