Tag Data Link Performance for CJ2M Built-in EtherNet/IP Ports Section 10-4
10-4 Tag Data Link Performance for CJ2M Built-in EtherNet/IP
10-4-1 Overview
The built-in EtherNet/IP port on a CJ2M CPU Unit (CJ2M-CPU3@) supports
tag data links for up to 32 connections, with a data size of 20 words per con-
nection. These specifications are different from those of CJ2H built-in ports
and EtherNet/IP Units. The maximum number of words that can be transmit-
ted for tag data links is 640 words. This 640 words is the amount of data that
is processed for one data transmissions between the CPU Unit and the CJ2M
built-in port.
The tag data link specifications of CJ2M built-in ports are provided in the fol-
lowing table. If these specifications are insufficient for the required system
configuration, use a CJ2H built-in port on a CJ2H-CPU6@-EIP CPU Unit or a
CJ1W-EIP21 EtherNet/IP Unit.
Tag Data Link Specifications for CJ2M Built-in EtherNet/IP Ports
Tag Data Link System
This example configuration is based on the maximum specifications for CJ2M
built-in ports where all nodes send and receive data to the other nodes. In this
case, the maximum send area for each node in a 17-node configuration is 20
For example, node 1 establishes 16 send connections and 16 receive connec-
tions to the other 16 nodes, for a total of 32 connections. The maximum data
size per connection is 20 words, so the send area in node 1 is 20 words and
the receive areas in node 1 are each 20 words.
CJ2M built-in port
Reference: CJ2H built-in port
Number of connections 32 256
Packet interval (RPI) 1 to 10,000 ms (in 0.5-ms units) 0.5 to 10,000 ms (in 0.5-ms units)
Allowed communications
bandwidth per Unit (PPS)
3,000 pps 6,000 pps
Number of tags that can be
32 256
Tag types CIO Area, DM Area, EM Area, Holding Area, Work Area, and network symbols
Number of registrable tag sets 32 256
Number of tags per connec-
8 (7 tags when the tag set contains the PLC status)
Maximum size of 1 tag set 20 words
(The PLC status uses 1 word when the tag
set contains the PLC status.)
722 words
(The PLC status uses 1 word when the tag
set contains the PLC status.)
Maximum data size per con-
20 words 722 words
Maximum link data size per
640 words 184,832 words
Maximum number of tags that
can be refreshed per CPU Unit
(CPU → EtherNet/IP): 32
Input/Reception (EtherNet/IP → CPU): 32
(CPU → EtherNet/IP): 256
Input/Reception (EtherNet/IP → CPU): 256
Data that can be refreshed per
CPU Unit cycle
Output/Transmission (CPU → EtherNet/IP):
640 words
Input/Reception (EtherNet/IP → CPU):
640 words
Note The total for output/transmission and
input/reception is 640 words.
Output/Transmission (CPU → EtherNet/IP):
6,432 words
Input/Reception (EtherNet/IP → CPU):
6,432 words
Note The total for output/transmission and
input/reception is 12,864 words.