Connection Status Codes and Error Processing Section 14-3
01 0109 Error code returned from target:
The connection size settings
are different in the originator
and target.
Check the connection sizes set in the originator and target.
01 0110 Error code returned from target:
The target was unable to open
the connection, because of its
operating status, such as down-
loading settings.
Check whether
the tag data link is
stopped at the tar-
get. (Restart the
tag data link com-
munications with
the control bit.)
Depends on the tar-
get’s specifications.
(Contact the target
device’s manufac-
Check whether the
tag data link is
stopped at the origi-
nator. (Restart the
tag data link commu-
nications with the
control bit.)
01 0111 Error code returned from target:
The RPI was set to a value that
exceeds the specifications.
This error does
not occur.
Check the target’s
RPI setting specifica-
Set the originator’s
RPI setting to 10
seconds or less.
01 0113 Error code generated by origi-
nator or returned from target:
Attempted to open more con-
nections than allowed by the
specifications (CJ2M: 32, other
CPU Units: 256).
Check the con-
nection settings
(number of con-
nections) at the
originator and tar-
Check the connec-
tion settings (number
of connections) at
the originator and
Check the connec-
tion specifications for
another company’s
Check the connec-
tion settings (number
of connections) at
the originator and
Check the connec-
tion specifications for
another company’s
01 0114 Error code returned from target:
The Vendor ID and Product
Code did not match when open-
ing connection.
This error does
not occur.
Depends on the tar-
get’s specifications.
(Contact the target
device’s manufac-
Confirm that the tar-
get device’s EDS file
is correct.
Check the origina-
tor’s connection set-
01 0115 Error code returned from target:
The Product Type did not match
when opening connection.
This error does
not occur.
Depends on the tar-
get’s specifications.
(Contact the target
device’s manufac-
Confirm that the tar-
get device’s EDS file
is correct.
Check the origina-
tor’s connection set-
01 0116 Error code returned from target:
The Major/Minor Revisions did
not match when opening con-
Check the major
and minor revi-
sions set for the
target device and
connection. If nec-
essary, obtain the
EDS file and set it
Depends on the tar-
get’s specifications.
(Contact the target
device’s manufac-
Confirm that the tar-
get device’s EDS file
is correct.
Check the origina-
tor’s connection set-
01 0117 Error code returned from target:
The tag set specified in the con-
nection’s target variables does
not exist.
Check whether
the originator and
target tag sets
and tags are set
CJ2 CPU Units
Only: Check sym-
bol settings in the
CPU Unit.
Depends on the tar-
get’s specifications.
(Contact the target
device’s manufac-
Check the origina-
tor’s connection set-
tings. Check whether
the target’s tag sets
and tags are set cor-
CJ2 CPU Units Only:
Check symbol set-
tings in the CPU
Connection status Source of error Handling
Configuration 1 Configuration 2 Configuration 3