Devices Required for Constructing a Network Section 1-2
1-2 Devices Required for Constructing a Network
The basic configuration for an EtherNet/IP System consists of one switching
hub to which nodes are attached in star configuration using twisted-pair cable.
The devices shown in the following table are required to configure a network
with CS1W-EIP21 and CJ1W-EIP21 EtherNet/IP Units or the built-in EtherNet/
IP port in CJ2H-CPU@@-EIP/CJ2M-CPU3@ CPU Units.
Switching Hubs
For details on recommended devices for constructing a network, refer to 2-3-1
Recommended Network Devices.
Note If a repeater hub is used for EtherNet/IP tag data links (cyclic communica-
tions), the network’s communications load will increase, data collisions will
occur frequently, and stable communications will be impossible. Always use a
switching hub when using tag data links in the network.
1-3 Support Software Required to Construct a Network
This section describes the Support Software that is required to construct an
EtherNet/IP network. Make the tag data link settings and Unit setup settings
for the EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP port. Both of these settings are
stored in the EtherNet/IP Unit’s non-volatile memory (See note.). Support
Software is provided for each, as described below.
Note Unlike the Ethernet Units, the EtherNet/IP Unit’s TCP/IP settings are not
stored in the CPU Unit’s CPU Bus Unit System Setup Area. The settings are
stored in the EtherNet/IP Unit itself.
Unit Setup: CX-
The CX-Programmer is used to set basic parameters, such as the local IP
address of the EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP port and the subnet
mask. (The CX-Programmer is included in the CX-One.)
The CX-Programmer can also be used to check if data I/O is being performed
correctly for tag data links.
(3) Switching hub
CX-One Support
(2) Twisted-pair cable
100 m
(1) CS1W-EIP21 EtherNet/IP
Unit for CS-series
(1) CJ1W-EIP21
EtherNet/IP Unit
Ethernet (LAN) port
(1) Built-in EtherNet/IP port on
CJ2 CPU Unit
Network device Contents
(1) CS1W-EIP21 EtherNet/IP
Units for CS-series PLCs,
CJ1W-EIP21 EtherNet/IP
Units for CJ-series PLCs,
or built-in EtherNet/IP port
in CJ2H-CPU@@-EIP/
CJ2M-CPU3@ CPU Units
These are Communications Units or built-in ports
that connect a CS-series or CJ-series PLC to an Eth-
erNet/IP network.
(2) Twisted-pair cable The twisted-pair cable connects EtherNet/IP Units or
built-in EtherNet/IP ports to the switching hub, with
an RJ45 Modular Connector at each end.
Use an STP (shielded twisted-pair) cable of category
5, 5c, or higher.
(3) Switching Hub This is a relay device that connects multiple nodes in
a star-shaped LAN.