FINS Message Communications Section 7-2
7-2 FINS Message Communications
Messages containing FINS commands can be exchanged over the Ethernet
network between nodes that support FINS messages.
Note FINS message communications can be executed without any particular
restrictions over the Ethernet network with OMRON Ethernet Units (CS1W-
ETN21 or CJ1W-ETN21), computers (CX-One or Fins Gateway applications),
and NS-series Programmable Terminals.
Note 1. When two or more Communications Units (including the EtherNet/IP Units
and built-in EtherNet/IP ports) are mounted to a CS/CJ-series PLC and
FINS messages are being used, the EtherNet/IP Units and built-in Ether-
Net/IP ports must be registered in the CS/CJ-series PLC’s local network
routing table. The commands will not be sent if the Unit is not registered in
the routing tables.
2. When a CS/CJ-series EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP port is con-
nected to an Ethernet network, message communications can be conduct-
ed between networks, including other Ethernet networks as well as other
networks such as Controller Link and SYSMAC LINK. Up to eight levels of
networks can be crossed, provided that routing tables (containing local
network tables and relay network tables) have been registered in the CPU
Units of each PLC on the network.
3. A Programming Device connected to the CPU Unit of a PLC connected to
the network can be used to program and monitor another PLC that is on
the network. Up to eight levels of networks can be crossed for CS1/CJ1-
series CPU Units with unit version 2.0 or later, CJ2 CPU Units, and CX-
Programmer version 4.0 or higher.
Type of FINS message Data send/receive commands Any kind of FINS command
SEND/RECV instructions CMND(490) instructions
PLC to PLC (both must
be CS/CJ-series PLCs
with a CS/CJ-series Eth-
erNet/IP Unit, built-in
EtherNet/IP port, or
Ethernet Units) (See
note 1.)
Note Inter-network com-
munications are
possible with
Ethernet networks
or other networks,
such as Controller
Link. (See note 2.)
Data length (excluding
command code)
SEND instruction: 990 words: RECV
instruction: 990 words.
CMND instruction: 1,990 bytes max.
CS/CJ-series PLC CS/CJ-series PLC
CS/CJ-series PLC CS/CJ-series PLC
CS/CJ-series PLC
Command to
CPU Unit
Command to
EtherNet/IP Unit