I/O Response Time in Tag Data Links Section 10-3
(6) Output ON response time
This is the delay time for the external output device from when the output bit
turns ON in the memory of the CPU Unit until the output is actually performed.
In this system configuration, the delay time for an output relay is 2.0 ms. Also,
one CPU cycle time is required until the data is stored in the memory area of
the CPU Unit.
The maximum tag data link I/O response time for this system configuration
found from the total of (1) to (6) is 124 ms.
Note The I/O response time may be longer due to noise, or other events.
D Number of data trans-
A 10 m sec > C 6.15 m sec
To meet the condition to enable processing
in one data transmission, the number of
transmissions is the same as B plus 1.
(Delay of one CPU Unit cycle time)
To ta l:
(5) Receive data process-
ing time
A Cycle time × D Number of data trans-
60 msec
Item Time
A CPU Unit cycle time of PLC #2 15 msec
B Output relay delay time 2.0 msec
To ta l:
(6) Node 2 (PLC #2) output ON response time
17.0 msec
(1) Node 1 (PLC #1) input ON response time 11.5 msec
(2) Node 1 (PLC #1) send data processing time 20 msec
(3) Packet Interval (RPI) 10 msec
(4) Network Transmission Delay Time 5.5 msec
(5) Node 2 (PLC #2) receive data processing time 60 msec
(6) Output ON response time 17 msec
Maximum I/O response performance (total of (1) to (6)) 124 msec
Item Calculation formula Time