A-8 GB1400 User Manual
SYNC thresholds PRBS mode 25% (1024 erros/4096 bits)
WORD mode 3.1% (128 errors/ 4096 bits)
Optional 1 Mbit WORD thresholds, programmable
Level BER Ratio (Errors/bits)
1 3.1E-2 256/8192
2 7.8E-3 256/32768
3 1.9E-3 256/131072
4 9.7E-4 256/262144
5 4.8E-4 256/524288
6 2.4E-4 256/1048576
7 1.2E-4 256/2097152
8 6.1E-5 256/4194304
9 3.0E-5 256/8388608
BER Measurements
Three simultaneous BER measurements (Totalize, Window and Test) displayed as:
BER 9.9E-01 to <1.0E-16
Totalize 0 to 99999999, then 1.0E8 to 9.9E36
Totalize Mode BER since power on or reset
Window Mode BER over sliding window,
programmable in time (1-sec to 24 24-hrs) or bits (1E-8-1E-16)
Test Mode BER over time of test, programmable in time (1-sec to 24-hrs). Additional
calculations include ES, EFS, TES, SES, DM, US, and LOS.
Frequency System Clock Frequency, 10 KHz resolution
History Indicators SYNC loss, Bit Error, Phase Error, Power