Using GPIB, RS-232
GB1400 User Manual D-7
Functional Elements
The IEEE 488.2 standard requires a list of the functional elements which are used
by the GB1400 receiver. These are the functional elements used in constructing
the remote commands that control the receiver. For more information, see the
IEEE 488.2 standard, sections 4.3, 7.1.1, and 7.3.3. From Tables 4.2 and 4.3 of
the IEEE 488.2 standard, the receiver does the following:
< program message> < program message terminator>
< program message unit> <program message unit separator>
<command message unit> <query message unit>
< command program header>* < query program header>*
< program header separator> < program data separator>
< program data> < decimal numeric program data>
< character program data> <non-decimal numeric program data>
* <compound command program header> and <compound query program
header> are not handled.
Specific Command Implementations
The reset command “*rst” performs a device reset. As defined in the IEEE
488.2, it will:
• reset the device settings to default settings, with the exception of stored
memory locations and any remote interface settings
• Macros are not implemented in the GB1400, thus macros are ignored
• force the receiver into Operation Complete Command Idle State (OCIS) and
Operation Complete Query Idle State (OQIS)
Self Test Query
This tests the receiver's basic functionality. The scope of the self test function is
Overlapped vs. Sequential Commands
All commands are sequential commands.
Operation Complete Message
All command actions are immediate (no overlapped commands), such that
operation complete is immediate.