Remote Commands
GB1400 User Manual C-95
byte_edit [a], [b1]
Byte Edit. This command is similar to byte_block except that it can overwrite (edit) only
one byte at a time. The command overwrites 8 bits starting at address a.
Min. Abbr. byte_e
<NR1>, in the range "a", the address of the overwrite
0 to 131071 (1M mode)
0 to 65535 (512K mode)
0 to 32767 (256K mode)
0 to 16,383 (128K mode)
0 to 8191 (64K mode)
<non-decimal numeric> indicates the overwrite byte
pattern. May be in the range #H00 to #HFF (hex),
#Q000 to #Q377 (octal), or #B00000000 to
#B11111111 (binary).
Example byte_edit 1000, #Q320
byte_edit? [a]
Byte Edit Query. Returns the hex., octal, or binary representation of the C-bit section
of the edit pattern at address a.
Note that if there is no editing session in progress, this command will return the indicated
byte from the current word pattern.
Min. Abbr. byte_e?
Response [a], [b1] in the format <NR1>, <non-decimal numeric>
Example byte_edit? (command)
BYTE_EDIT 500, #H12 (response)
NOTE: If the returned byte is the last byte, and if this byte contains one or more unused bits,
then these bits will be returned with a value of 0.