Remote Commands
GB1400 User Manual C-55
Results Unavailable Seconds. This command returns the total number of unavailable
seconds counted, either in the current test interval so far or in the previous test interval,
depending on the setup of TEST PREV and the current test state.
Min. Abbr. res_us?
Returns <NR1>
Example res_us? (command)
RES_US 120 (response)
Results Unavailable Seconds Percentage. This command returns the percentage of
unavailable seconds, either in the current test interval so far or in the previous test interval,
depending on the setup of TEST PREV and the current test state.
Min. Abbr. res_us_?
Returns <NR2>
Example res_us_per? (command)
RES_US_PER 29.01 (response)
Totalize Bits Query. Returns the total number of bits accumulated in the current
Totalize measurement interval. The Totalize bit count is zeroed at the start of each new
Totalize measurement interval, that is at power-up and after each error reset.
Min. Abbr. total_b?
Returns <NR1>
Example total_bits? (command)
TOTAL_BITS 32365018072 (response)