Remote Commands
GB1400 User Manual C-23
word_mem_ord [m], [msb | lsb]
Word Memory Order. Sets the bit order of the word saved at location m to either
"msb" (most significant bit first) or "lsb" (least significant bit first).
Min. Abbr. word_mem_o
Arguments m: 0, 1, ..., 9
msb: most significant bit first
lsb: least significant bit first
Example word_mem_ord 9, msb
(selects the most significant bit first order for
word memory location 9)
Word Memory Order Query (All). Returns a command string ("MSB" or "LSB")
indicating the bit order of each of the 10 word memory locations.
The response will consist of 10 message units, separated by
semi-colons ";" and will contain the memory location, and word
order of each memory.
Min. Abbr. word_mem_o?
Returns <NR1>, [MSB|LSB]; <NR1> [MSB|LSB]; ... etc.
Example word_mem_ord? (command)
WORD_MEM_ORD 0, LSB; (response)
word_mem_ord? [m]
Word Memory Order Query. Returns a command string ("MSB" or "LSB")
indicating the bit order of the word saved at location m.
Min. Abbr. word_mem_o
Arguments m: 0, 1, ..., 9
Returns "MSB" or "LSB"
Example word_mem_ord? 1 (command)
WORD_MEM_ORD 1, LSB (response)
which indicates that the word order of word memory location 1 is
"least significant bit first".