Remote Commands
GB1400 User Manual C-91
1 MB Option Commands
The following section identifies commands that are modified or added when the 1 MB
Option is installed.
Modified Commands
When the 1 MB Option is installed, the All_mem command will operate as before except
that it will not return any saved word patterns.
Replaced Commands
The standard GB1400 Generator and Analyzer command set includes the following
"word" commands:
word_bits; word_memory ; word_length ; word_mem_len
These commands are limited to creating and editing short word patterns, that is patterns
that are 8 or 16 bits in length. They will not work on long word patterns. Instead, long
word editing functions are performed using "byte" commands, which are added as part of
the 1 MB Option. Moreover, byte commands also work on short words. Therefore,
"word" commands have limited application in instruments equipped with the 1 MB Option.
However, "word" commands will still function in units equipped with the 1 MB Option.
This insures that a Generator or Analyzer equipped with the 1 MB Option can replace a
standard unit in automated applications designed to use standard (short word) commands.
Commands specific to I MB Option
When the 1 MB Option is installed all of the following commands are added to the
Generator and Analyzer command sets except for the byte_sync command, which is
added to only the Analyzer command set.
The following general rules apply to new 1 MB commands:
1. Commands used to edit long words execute properly only when received after an
edit_begin command and before an edit_end command. These include:
q byte_length
q byte_fill
q byte_block
q byte_edit
q byte_insert
q byte_delete
2. If a command includes a bit address argument [a], then [a] must be less than the
length, which can be specified by the byte_length command.