Getting Started
1-2 GB1400 User Manual
Symmetrical, Low-Jitter Output Waveforms
The GB1400 generates low-jitter, symmetrical waveforms over its entire
operating frequency range. The clock and data ports provide both true and
inverted output signals. The instrument can drive single-ended or differential
ECL inputs.
The GB1400 is focused on the research, design, and manufacturing of
telecommunication components, modules, or links operating at data rates to
1400 Mb/s. It is frequently employed in testing and development well under this
top speed rating, where sharp clock and data waveforms are especially desired, or
where additional frequency range is thought to be needed in the future.
Sample Applications
• Development of Gigabit LAN/Data Comm Devices:
• High-Speed Fibre Channel, Ethernet
• Digital Video (MPEG, SDV, HDDV)
• Wideband Satellite Data Links
• SONET/SDH Network Devices up to OC-12e/STM4e
• High-speed GaAs/ECL/E/O device testing
• Test Clock Recovery Circuits
• Parallel-to-Serial Analysis with Tektronix MB100
• Testing of High Speed Fibre Channel links up to 1,063 Mb/s
• Gigabit Ethernet at 1,250 Mb/s.
• Testing of high-speed Optical Busses (Opto Bus, Opto Bahn) at 800 Mb/s per
• Satellite system testing and TDMA (Burst Mode) at 400, 800 Mb/s
• GaAs, ECL and optical component testing
PRBS Or User-Defined Test Patterns
The GB1400 can generate pseudo-random bit sequences (PRBS) up to 2
−1 bits
and others up to 1-Mbit in length, via user-programmable patterns. Patterns can
be created locally using setup menus or externally by using a workstation or PC.
A PC Windows-based MLPE Pattern Editor software package comes with the
1-Mbit Memory Option. Externally created patterns can be downloaded via the
GPIB or RS-232 port. All user patterns are saved in battery-backed RAM.