
glossary-2 GB1400 User Manual
Bit Rate
The number of bits of data transmitted over a phone line per second.
A unit of 8 bits.
A communications path or the signal sent over a channel. Through multiplexing
several channels, voice channels can be transmitted over an optical channel.
1. An electronic component that emits consistent signals that paces a computer’s
operations. 2. An oscillator-generated signal that provides a timing reference for
a transmission link. A clock provides signals used in a transmission system to
control the timing of certain functions, such as the duration of signal elements or
the sampling rate. It also generates periodic, accurately spaced signals used for
such purposes as timing, regulation of the operations of a processor, or
generation of interrupts. A clock has two functions: to generate periodic signals
for synchronization on a transmission facility, and to provide a time base for the
sampling of signal elements. In computers, a clock synchronizes certain
procedures, such as communication with other devices.
Error Detection
Checking for errors in data transmission. A calculation is made on the data being
sent and the results are sent along with it. The receiving station then performs the
same calculation and compares its results with those sent. ...Code in which each
data signal conforms to specific rules of construction so that departures from this
construction in the received signals can be automatically detected. Any data
detected as being in error is either deleted from the data delivered to the
destination, with or without an indication that such deletion has taken place, or
delivered to the destination together with an indication that is has been detected
as being in error.
Error Rate
The ratio of the number of data units in error to the total number of data units.
An acronym for Errored Second. A second with at least one error.
A physical layer interface standard for the interconnection of equipment.
The portion of a transmission line between two multiplexers.
An acronym for Loss of Frame.
An acronym for Loss of Signal.