Functional Overview
2-8 GB1400 User Manual
• The bottom left section of the Analyzer display can show the following setup
parameters: delay in nanoseconds for the DATA or REF DATA input; the
selected input termination (GND, -2V, or AC) for the CLOCK, DATA, or
REFERENCE DATA input, or the selected word memory (WORD 0 ...
WORD 7), Note that DATA input delay may be set manually by the user, or
automatically by the AUTO SEARCH feature.
To control the delay, termination or threshold settings for the DATA input,
make sure F2 and F3 LEDs are turned OFF.
Pressing F2 places the unit into CLOCK control (F2 LED illuminated). The
V-TERM key is redefined to allow control of the Input CLOCK Termination
voltage. The status of each key LED and LCD displayed value now reflects
the CLOCK Input signal.
Pressing F3 places the unit into REF Data control mode (F3 LED
illuminated). The Delay, V-TERM and V-THRS keys are redefined to allow
control of the Input REF DATA Delay, Termination Volga and Threshold.
The status of each key LED and LCD displayed value now reflects the REF
DATA Input signal.
• The bottom middle section of the display shows the currently selected
Analyzer pattern, for example PN23 indicates a 2
-1 PRBS. This section
will also indicate when input pattern inversion is enabled by displaying INV
after the pattern name.
• The bottom right section of the Analyzer display shows the current value of
the input threshold in volts for the CLOCK, DATA, or REF DATA inputs.
Note that the CLOCK and DATA input thresholds may be set manually by
the user, or automatically by the AUTO SEARCH feature.