Remote Commands
GB1400 User Manual C-63
rdata_delay [v]
Reference Data Delay. Sets the Analyzer REF DATA input delay to v, where v may
be set in the range 0.0 nSec to 3.99 nSec in 0.1 or 0.2 nSec steps. v is expressed as a
real number with an exponent of -9.
Min. Abbr. rdata_dela
Argument v: 0.00E-9 to 3.99E-9, in steps of 0.10E-9 or 0.2E-9
Example rdata_delay 1.10E-9
Reference Data Delay Query. Returns the current Analyzer REF DATA input delay.
Min. Abbr. rdata_dela?
Returns <NR3>
Example rdata_delay? (command)
RDATA_DELAY 1.10E-9 (response)
rdata_term [neg_2v | gnd | ac]
Reference Data Termination. Sets the Analyzer REF DATA input termination.
Min. Abbr. rdata_te
Arguments neg_2v: 50 ohms to -2 volts.
gnd 50 ohms to ground.
ac 50 ohms via 0.01
F capacitor to ground.
Example rdata_term neg_2v
Reference Data Termination Query. Returns a character string indicating the current
Analyzer Reference Data Input termination setup.
Min. Abbr. rdata_te?
Returns [neg_2v | gnd | ac]
Example rdata_term? (command)
RDATA_TERM NEG_2V (response)