
Remote Commands
C-2 GB1400 User Manual
This section defines the GB1400 command syntax including command types, parameter
types, delimiters used between command elements, and terminators used at the end of
command lines.
The table below shows the symbols used in this chapter to describe GB1400 commands
and responses.
Symbol Meaning
<CR> Carriage return (ASCII decimal 13).
<LF> Line Feed (ASCII decimal 10).
<EOI> End or Identify, a message terminator signal specified
in ANSI/IEEE Std. 488.2-1987
<ui> Unsigned integer in range 0 through 65,535
<NR1> Signed integer value.
<NR2> Floating point value, without an exponent.
<NR3> Floating point value, with an exponent.
<non-decimal numeric> A non-decimal integer in the range 0 - 255 (decimal)
with leading "#H" (hexadecimal), "#Q" (octal), or "#B"
(binary). Examples:
Hexadecimal: #HFF
Octal: #Q377
Binary: #B11111111
<qstring> A quoted string; that is a character string with
beginning and ending quotes.
[ ] Enclosed argument is required.
| Exclusive OR. For example the argument [a | b | c]
means that you must include one and only one of the
following parameters: a, b, or c.