Performance Verification
E-8 GB1400 Acceptance Test
keys in the input section of the Analyzer until the PHASE light in the ERROR
HISTORY section illuminates. Manually return the Analyzer delay setting to that
recorded above. Verify that the PHASE light can be extinguished by the ‘CLEAR’
Confirmation of Selectable Analyzer Terminations
q Step 41: Set the Generator and Analyzer to Factory Default Settings. Confirm that
the Analyzer F2 LED is not lighted.
q Step 42: Push the Analyzer V-TERM button and confirm that the LCD displays
q Step 43: Perform the following actions for each termination listed:
a) Select the Analyzer termination by using the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ arrow keys in
the INPUT section.
b) On the Generator, select PN15, wait a few seconds, then select PN7. Use the
‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ arrow keys to select the different PN values.
c) Wait for the Analyzer LOCK light to come on.
d) Confirm the Analyzer threshold display falls within the limits shown in the
Termination Threshold Limits table.
e) Press F2 on the Analyzer to select CLOCK inputs and confirm that the F2
LED is lighted, and repeat steps a) through d).
The threshold limits listed assume that the Generator is set to default
Amplitude and Baseline Offset.
Analyzer Termination Threshold Limits
Analyzer Termination Analyzer Threshold Limits
50 Ohm to GND 0 V ± 300 mV
50 Ohm to −2 V −1.0 V ± 300 mV
AC 0 V ± 300 mV
q Step 44: Set the Generator and Analyzer to Factory Default Settings.
q Step 45: Disconnect the cable from the DATA THRESHOLD on the rear panel of the
Analyzer and connect it to NOT DATA on the front panel of the Generator.
q Step 46: Select PN15 on the Generator.
q Step 47: Verify that the Analyzer LOCK light illuminates.
q Step 48: Repeat Steps 45 and 46 for all PN values.