Remote Commands
C-30 GB1400 User Manual
GPIB Bus Mode Query. Returns a character string indicating the current GPIB bus
mode. May be used only over the RS-232C port .
Min. Abbr. gpib_b?
Returns [off_bus | talk_listen]
Example gpib_bus? (command)
rs_echo [on|off]
RS-232C Echo. Enables or disables character echo on the RS-232C (serial) port.
Min. Abbr. rs_e
Arguments on: Enables ECHO mode, instrument will echo back each
character received.
off: Disables ECHO mode, instrument will not echo received
Example rs_echo on
RS-232C Echo Query. Returns a character string indicating whether RS-232C port
echo is enabled (ON) or disabled (OFF).
Min. Abbr. rs_e?
Returns [on|off]
Example rs_echo? (command)
RS_ECHO OFF (response)
rs_pmt_lf [on|off]
RS-232C Prompt Line Feed. This command may be used to add the current RS-232C
end of line (EOL) terminator, that is CR, LF, CR+LF, or LF+CR, to the end of the
prompt. This feature may be useful when operating the instrument under program control
via a serial (RS-232) link.
Min. Abbr. rs_pm