Remote Commands
GB1400 User Manual C-97
byte_length [m], [n]
Byte Length. This command sets the length of the edit pattern to m bytes plus n bits.
Min. Abbr. byte_l
Arguments m <NR1>, in the range:
0 to 131072 (1M mode)
0 to 65536 (512K mode)
0 to 32768 (256K mode)
0 to 16,384 (128K mode)
0 to 8192 (64K mode)
n <NR1>, in the range 0 to 7.
Example byte_length 16384, 0
NOTE: If the number of whole bytes (m) is greater than 2047, then the number of added bits
(n) must be set to 0. If m is greater than 16384, then n must be even.
Byte Length Query. Returns the current length of the edit pattern in terms of whole
bytes plus up to seven additional bits. Note that if there is no editing session in progress,
this command will return the length of the current word pattern.
Min. Abbr. byte_l?
Returns <NR1>, <NR1>, indicating the number of bytes and the
number of additional bits.
Example byte_length? (command)
BYTE_LENGTH 100, 5 (response indicating an edit
pattern length of 805 bits)