74 Managing Your Pocket PC Phone
2. Read any installation instructions or documentation that comes with
the program. Many programs provide special installation instructions.
3. Connect your device to the PC.
4. Double-click the *.exe file.
• If the executable file is an installation wizard, follow the
instructions on the screen. The wizard will automatically install the
program to your device.
• If an installation wizard does not start, you will see an error
message stating that the program is valid but that it is designed
for a different type of computer. You will need to copy this
program directly to your device. If you cannot find any installation
instructions for the program, use ActiveSync to copy the program
file to the Program Files folder on your device.
To remove programs
You can only remove programs that you installed. Programs that come with
your device cannot be removed.
1. Tap Start > Settings > System tab > Remove Programs.
2. In the Programs in storage memory list, select the program you
want to remove, and tap Remove.
3. Tap Yes. If another confirmation message appears, tap Yes again.