Intermec 751G Cell Phone User Manual

Chapter 3 — Configuring the Computer
751G Color Mobile Computer User’s Manual 63
// Description: Get process table snapshot, look for pname running.
// Arguments: pname - pointer to name of program to look for.
// for example, app.exe.
// Returns: TRUE - process is running.
// FALSE - process is not running.
BOOL IsProcessRunning( TCHAR * pname )
HANDLE hProcList;
DWORD thDeviceProcessID;
if ( !pname || !*pname ) return FALSE;
_tcscpy( lpname, pname );
_tcslwr( lpname );
hProcList = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0 );
if ( hProcList == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
return FALSE;
} // end if
memset( &peProcess, 0, sizeof(peProcess) );
peProcess.dwSize = sizeof(peProcess);
if ( !Process32First( hProcList, &peProcess ) ) {
CloseToolhelp32Snapshot( hProcList );
return FALSE;
} // end if
thDeviceProcessID = 0;
do {
_tcslwr( peProcess.szExeFile );
if ( _tcsstr( peProcess.szExeFile, lpname ) ) {
thDeviceProcessID = peProcess.th32ProcessID;
} // end if
} while ( Process32Next( hProcList, &peProcess ) );
if ( ( GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES ) && ( thDeviceProcessID == 0 ) )
CloseToolhelp32Snapshot( hProcList );
return FALSE;
} // end if
CloseToolhelp32Snapshot( hProcList );
return TRUE;
} // IsProcessRunning
codeINSTALL_INIT Install_Init(
HWND hwndParent,
BOOL fFirstCall,