
Your device can display the identity name of the FM
station to which you are tuned if the name is being
transmitted by the station.
Nokia Internet Radio
With the Nokia Internet Radio application (network
service), you can listen to available radio stations on
the internet. To listen to radio stations, you must have
a WLAN or packet data access point defined in your
device. Listening to the stations may involve the
transmission of large amounts of data through your
service provider's network. The recommended
connection method is WLAN. Check with your service
provider for terms and data service fees before using
other connections. For example, a flat rate data plan
can allow large data transfers for a set monthly fee.
Listen to internet radio stations
Press , and select Music > Radio > Internet
Warning: Listen to music at a moderate level.
Continuous exposure to high volume may damage your
hearing. Do not hold the device near your ear when the
loudspeaker is in use, because the volume may be
extremely loud.
To listen to a radio station on the internet, do the
1. Select a station from your favourites or the station
directory, or search stations by their name from the
Nokia Internet Radio service.
To add a station manually, select Options > Add
station manually. You can also browse for station
links with the Web application. Compatible links are
automatically opened in the Internet Radio
2. Select Listen.
The Now playing view opens displaying
information about the currently playing station and
To stop the playback, press the scroll key; to resume,
press the scroll key again.
To adjust the volume, use the volume key.
To view station information, select Options > Station
information (not available if you have saved the
station manually).
If you are listening to a station saved in your favourites,
scroll left or right to listen to the previous or next saved
Favourite stations
To view and listen to your favourite stations, press
, and select Music > Radio > Internet radio >
Music folder