Edit text and lists
To copy and paste text, while pressing and holding
, scroll left or right to highlight text. To copy the
text to the clipboard, while still holding
, select
Copy. To insert the text into a document, press and
, and select Paste.
To mark an item in a list, scroll to it, and press
and the scroll key at the same time.
To mark multiple items in a list, press and hold
while you scroll up or down. To end the selection,
stop scrolling, and release
Write and send messages
Press , and select Messaging.
Before you can create a multimedia message or
write an e-mail, you must have the correct
connection settings in place.
See "Define the e-mail
settings", p. 111.
The wireless network may limit the size of MMS
messages. If the inserted picture exceeds this limit,
the device may make it smaller so that it can be sent
by MMS.
Check the size limit of e-mail messages with your
service provider. If you attempt to send an e-mail
message that exceeds the size limit of the e-mail
server, the message is left in the Outbox folder, and
the device attempts to resend it periodically.
Sending an e-mail requires a data connection, and
continuous attemps to resend the e-mail may
increase your phone bill. In the Outbox folder, you
can delete such a message or move it to the
Drafts folder.
1. Select New message > Text message to send
a text message, Multimedia message to send a
multimedia message (MMS), Audio message to
send an audio message (a multimedia message
that includes one sound clip), or E-mail to send
an e-mail.
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