Number: Enter the phone number to dial for
connection to the server.
User Name: Enter the user name to login to the
Password: Enter the password to login to the server.
Line Type: Select Analogue or ISDN.
Speed: Select the rate to transmit/receive data to/
from the server. The options are 4.8Kbps ~ 9.6Kbps
and 14.4Kbps.
DNS: Edit the DNS Address.
In this menu, the mobile phone will list the Data
Account listing of the GPRS data. You can select
and edit the GPRS data:
Account Name: Edit and specify a name for the
APN: Edit the APN.
User Name: Enter the user name to login to the
Password: Enter the password to login to the APN.
Auth.Type: Select Normal or Secure.
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