Display icons
Signal Strength: Always appears when your phone is on and indicates
the current signal strength. More bars indicate a stronger signal.
Standalone Mode: Appears when Standalone Mode is on. When on, all
RF functions for your phone are disabled, and you cannot use your
phone to place or receive calls.
Roaming Indicator: Your phone is outside your home area. While
roaming, another wireless provider may be handling your call. The
service rate for the call may be higher than those made from within your
home area. Please refer to Verizon Wireless for roaming rates.
Digital: Appears when your phone is receiving digital data.
1X Protocol: Indicates your phone is using the CDMA 1X protocol.
EVDO: Appears when your phone is using the EVDO protocol.
EVDO/1X: The EVDO/1X protocol is capable of high-speed broadband
data (3G).
EVDO/2G: Indicates your phone is using the EVDO 2G protocol.
SSL: Indicates the secure socket layer is active transmits your
communications over the internet in an encrypted format.
Voice Privacy: Prevents eavesdropping over a CDMA traffic channel.
No service indicator: Your phone cannot find a signal because you’re
outside a service area. You cannot make or receive calls. Wait for a
signal or move to an open area to find a signal. This indicator always
appears when you first turn on your phone and disappears once service
is located.
Dormant: Indicates no incoming or outgoing data.
Voice Call: Indicates a call in progress. When dialing a number, this icon
flashes until the call connects.