Sharp OMPB20ZU Cell Phone User Manual

145 TWO User Guide - R1.0 - April 21, 2010
to Bluetooth device 32
to Wi-Fi network 31
conserve battery power 11
contact cards
about 43
call or text from 50
delete 47
edit 47
link/unlink 43, 48
map an address 50
send email 50
update status 50
write on friend’s social network page 51
about contact cards 43
about the All Contacts screen 42
about the social network contacts screens 42
add from Call Log 46
add from conversation card 78
add info to social network contact card 44
add to Favorites Home screen 22, 49
assign photo 89, 91, 92
back up 44, 51
call 55
call or text from contact card 50
create new 46
email from contact card 50
Exchange contacts 46
favorites 44
find on the phone 51
link/unlink contact cards 43
map address from contact card 50
move on Favorites Home screen 50
remove from Favorites Home screen 22, 49
save phone number after a call 47
save phone number dialed 55
save phone number from Dialer 47
search for 21
sources 41
sync 51
ways to add to phone 45
write on friend’s social network page 51
delete 77, 79
conversation cards
about 75, 78
add recipient to contacts 78
convert units using Search app 25
setting in browser 102
photos and videos from computer to phone
photos and videos from phone to computer
cursors, what text cursor shapes mean 17
colors on phone 30, 34
Home screens 20
how to open 26
status indicators 27
data on phone
erase 36
data roaming
turn on/off 29, 33
date and time settings 36
entire conversation 77, 79
music and videos 111
photo or video during preview 84