Sharp OMPB20ZU Cell Phone User Manual

67 TWO User Guide - R1.0 - April 21, 2010
When you tap a news or social story on the Feed screen, the story displays in the individual story
screen. Photo stories open in the Camera full-screen photo viewer. From the social story screen you
can read and comment on the story. From a news or social story you can:
Read more For news stories:
Open the full story in the Browser by tapping the Open in browser link at the
bottom of the story.
For social stories:
If the story is from a social network that supports comments, you can post a
If the author of the story is one of your contacts, tap their photo to open their
contact card.
Share a news
To share a news story with a contact, touch and hold the story until it “lifts”, then
drag it into the Spot. From there you can Send to contacts via Email or MMS.
Read more about sharing via the Spot in “Share with the Spot” on page 23.
Note: From the Spot you can Send stories viewed in the Feed Reader via Email or
MMS, but you can’t upload them to social networks.