TWO User Guide - R1.0 - April 21, 2010 156
notifications 58
set sound for new 35
set the number to call 34
buttons, using 7, 8
control during a call 57
set sound profile 27
set photo on lock screen 38, 88, 91, 92
browsing history setting 102
choose items in drop-down menus 99
cookie settings 102
edit favorite page names 101
encrypted pages 98
favorite a page 101
follow a link on a page 100
JavaScript setting 102
link page to Apps Home screen 98
open favorite page 101
open page 96
refresh a page 99
save image on page 99
save page as favorite 96
search for page 96, 101
setting for cookies 102
share a web clip 98
share favorite pages 101
subscribe to a feed 100
typing in a text box 100
unfavorite a page 101
zoom in/out on page 97
web clips
add to the Spot 23
share 98
connect to a network 31
connection indicator 27
settings 31
Windows Live
import email client contacts 42
wipe phone data 36
settings 30
turn all on/off 30
during capture 83
in/out of photos 87, 90, 92
on webpage 97
Zune Pass
about 104
stream music 115
Zune Pass catalog
about 114
browse for music 114
Zune software 94