CHAPTER 7 Troubleshooting
Installation Guide 107
If you think the upgrade failure or its cause may have damaged your databases,
restore the databases from backups. For information on restoring databases, see
the System Administration Guide.
If you are concerned about the possible corruption of your databases, exit
Server Config,
but do not attempt to restart the upgrade session until you have
restored the databases from backup. After restoration is complete, retry the
Re-running the upgrade
Failures while upgrading a server installation fall into one of two categories:
failure to upgrade an individual database, or failure to complete configuration
changes after all databases have been upgraded.
1 If an individual database fails to upgrade, you can retry that upgrade
manually. Begin by correcting the problem that caused the failure. Output
from the upgrade utility should identify the problem. The most common
cause of failure is running out of some resource: space (either data or log),
locks, auxiliary scan descriptors. You can add space to the database using
alter database command. Other resource failures may be correctable by
changing the server’s configuration via the
sp_configure stored procedure.
If an upgrade failure leaves a database offline, and the failure can only be
corrected by making data changes in the database, you can gain access to
the failed database by using
isql or a similar program to connect to the
affected server as user “sa” and issuing this command:
dbcc traceon(990)
Note This trace flag grants access only to user “sa”. It is not sufficient to
use an account having “sa_role”. If you have disabled the “sa” login, you
must re-enable it to get access using this method.
Having set this trace flag, user “sa” can now use the offline database and
make the necessary changes to correct the upgrade failure.
To restart a failed upgrade, use the
online database command:
online database <failed_db_name>
The server restarts that database’s upgrade from the point of failure.