Overview of the upgrade process
60 Adaptive Server Enterprise
Overview of the upgrade process
You can upgrade to Adaptive Server 15.0.2 from any of these versions:
• and later
Note Adaptive Server version 15.0.2 does not support upgrade from Adaptive
Server version 12.5.3a.
For a server installation 11.5.x and older, Sybase recommends that you upgrade
to version 12.5.4, then upgrade to version 15.0.2.
You can upgrade Adaptive Server from a 32-bit version to a 64-bit version, but
you cannot move from a 64-bit version to a 32-bit version. Likewise, you can
upgrade only from an earlier version of Adaptive Server to a more recent
Only upgrades to and from the same page size are supported. Changing the
server schema from one page size to another is a database migration. See
sybmigrate in the Utility Guide for information about migration.
Upgrading Adaptive Server consists of three processes:
1 Install the new Adaptive Server on top of the old %SYBASE% directory.
2 For the new server installation, perform the pre-upgrade checks on the
older server using the preupgrd.exe utility, located at
preupgrade runs against the old servers. It checks that all required
databases exist and that they are large enough. It verifies that stored
procedures have the text required for upgrade, and that configuration
parameters are correct for the new server and for upgrading. It verifies that
datatype definitions do not conflict with the new server’s requirements.
preupgrade runs without reporting any errors, you can then:
a Shut down the old server.
b Start the new server against the old installation.