Pre-installation tasks for Adaptive Server
24 Adaptive Server Enterprise
4 Review the SySAM procedures and plan your client/server configuration
using the configuration guide for your platform.
5 Create a “sybase” account on your system to perform all installation tasks.
The “sybase” user must have permission privileges from the top (or root)
of the disk partition or operating system directory down to the specific
physical device or operating system file.
6 Log in to the machine as the “sybase” user.
Maintain consistent ownership and privileges for all files and directories.
A single user—the Sybase System Administrator with read, write, and
execute permissions—should perform all installation, upgrade, and setup
7 Know what product edition you are installing. The options are:
• Enterprise Edition
• Small Business Edition
• Developers Edition
• Express Edition
If you are installing the Small Business or Enterprise Edition, you must
know the license type under which Adaptive Server was licensed. For
more inforamtion about license types, see the “License types” in Chapter
3 “Getting and Using your License” of the Sybase Software Asset
Management User’s Guide.
8 Sybase recommends that you specify license types at the time of
installation. However, you may choose to specify the product edition and
license type later using
sp_lmconfig. For information on sp_lmconfig, see
Reference Manual:Procedures.
9 You must decide if you want licensing events to trigger e-mail alerts and
the severity of the events that will generate e-mail messages.
If you choose to have e-mail notification of license events, you must know
• SMTP server host name
• Port number for an SMTP server
• E-mail return address
• Recipients of the notifications