CHAPTER 5 Upgrading Adaptive Server
Installation Guide 69
Set the OLDSYBASE_ASE variable to the SYBASE_ASE appropriate to your
older server. If you are upgrading from 12.0 for example, it should be
ASE-12_0. If your preupgrade version is earlier than 12.0, specify it as null:
This is required if you are using sybatch.exe to perform your upgrade.
Install the new Adaptive Server into the same directory as the Adaptive Server
you are upgrading.
This section covers the upgrade process, and outlines the following tasks:
• Installing version 15.0.2 software on the target computer. See Chapter 2,
“Installing Adaptive Server.”
• Upgrading the servers with
syconfig or sybatch.
• Post-upgrade tasks, including how to enable earlier versions of programs
and databases, allowing them to utilize the new version’s functionality.
Note The installation procedure for Sybase Central and the Adaptive Server
plug-in for Sybase Central has changed. Beginning with version 12.0, Adaptive
Server uses the following locations: Sybase Central in the x:\Program
Files\Sybase\Sybase Central\win32 directory and Adaptive Server plug-in for
Sybase Central in the %SYBASE% directory. Earlier versions used the
x:\sybtools directory. The Installer modifies your CLASSPATH, PATH,
Profiles, and Registry entries to these specific new locations.
Upgrading the server
To upgrade the server after you have installed the new software:
1 Run Start | Programs | Sybase | Adaptive Server Enterprise | Server Config.
2 Click Upgrade Adaptive Server in the Configure Sybase Servers window.
3 Enter the name of the old Sybase directory. Enter the name of the old
Adaptive Server directory, such as ASE-12_0. Enter the old OpenClient
Server directory such as OCS-12_0.
4 Click Continue.
5 In the Existing Servers window, select the Adaptive Server to upgrade and
choose Continue.