CHAPTER 5 Upgrading Adaptive Server
Installation Guide 85
9 Manually restart Adaptive Server on each cluster node with trace flag
2209. Use the Adaptive Server command-line option
Warning! Do not use trace flag 2209 after the Adaptive Server
companionship is re-established.
10 Use the cluster system command to restart monitoring resources
associated with Adaptive Server on each cluster node.
11 Re-establish companionship by using
isql to issue:
sp_companion <primary_server_name>, configure
If user databases exist on the secondary server, warning message may
display on the console. There is no need to take any action. You can safely
ignore them. The messages look similar to:
Msg 18739, Level 16, State 1:
Server 'svr2', Procedure 'sp_hacmpcfgvrfy', Line 102:
Database 'svr2_db1': a user database exists. Drop this
database and retry the configuration again.
12 Use the cluster command to offline and then online resource associated
with Adaptive Server. Use
isql to connect to each Adaptive Server and
enter the command to verify the correct server companionship:
Console output on primary server is similar to the following:
Server 'svr1' is alive and cluster configured.
Server 'svr1' is configured for HA services.
Server 'svr1' is currently in 'Primary normal' mode.
(return status = 0)
Console output on secondary server is similar to the following:
Server 'svr2' is alive and cluster configured.
Server 'svr2' is configured for HA services.
Server 'svr2' is currently in 'Secondary normal'
(return status = 0)
Use the following steps to upgrade high availability-enabled Adaptive Servers
in active-passive configuration:
1 Use the cluster system command to bring Adaptive Server offline.