Post-upgrade tasks
74 Adaptive Server Enterprise
In pre-12.5 Adaptive Server, it meant all the memory left after allocating
memory for other configurations, procedures, and user-defined named
caches. In Adaptive Server 12.5.x and later, it means a default value of
During the upgrade process, Adaptive Server ensures that the default data
cache size remains the same. Therefore, during the pre-upgrade process,
the size of the default data cache is obtained and written to the
configuration file as an absolute value, not as “DEFAULT”. This enables
Adaptive Server to have the same default data cache size as before the
upgrade. If this size is less than the default size of default data cache of
8MB, then Adaptive Server allocates a default data cache of size 8MB.
7 If you unmirrored devices, remirror them, using the
disk remirror
8 For information about upgrading compiled objects, see “Upgrading
compiled objects with dbcc upgrade_object” on page 109.
9 If you used two-phase commit in 11.9.x, run the script to install the
two-phase commit tables:
isql -Usa -Psa_password -Sserver_name
You do not need to run this script if you do not use two-phase commit.
Reenabling Replication Server
If you disabled replication before the upgrade, you must reenable replication.
To do so, first remove any older format log records from your database, and
then reenable replication.
Removing old log records
Use the dump tran command to dump the database and transaction logs to
remove the older format log records from your database. This prevents
Replication Server from accessing the pre-upgrade portion of the transaction
For example, to dump the
sales database:
1> use master
2> go
1> dump database sales to "\\.\TAPE0"