CHAPTER 5 Upgrading Adaptive Server
Installation Guide 81
v Upgrading Job Scheduler templates
1 Disable Job Scheduler before ugrading Job Scheduler templates.
2 Update any environment variables, scripts, or applications that refer to the
Job Scheduler directory path. The Job Scheduler directory has been
renamed and moved beneath the ASE-15_0 directory. New location is
Directories below jobscheduler remain the same.
3 If you have any of your own files in the old Job Scheduler directory, copy
them to the new 15.0.2 directory. If you are installing Adaptive Server over
the old server directories, the installer will have moved your files to the
new jobscheduler directory already.
4 If you have modified any of the Sybase-supplied templates stored
procedures or XML documents, do not overlay the new templates with
your versions. If you do, you will lose the enhancements provided by the
revised templates. Carefully merge your template changes into the Sybase
template files, or better yet, rename your modified templates.
Note Sybase recommends that if you modify Sybase-supplied templates
that you save the changes under new names and in new files.
5 You may need to make minor modifications to jobs you created from 2.0
or earlier templates. In some templates, parameters changed from
archar(5) to int. The following table lists the templates that changed in
version 2.1 and the changes you need to make to jobs created from them.
Table 5-1: Changed Job Scheduler templates
Template Modified files Change description
Modify jobs created
from this template
dump database SybBackupDbToDiskTemplate.xml
Changed the datatype for the
@use_srvr_name parameter
varchar(5) to int
Required, modify job SQL
to change
@use_srvr_name to int
dump database
Changed the datatype for the
@truncate_flag and
@use_srvr_name parameters
varchar(5) to int
Required, modify job SQL
to change
and @use_srvr_name to
int datatype.
Changed the datatype for the
@index_flag parameter from
varchar(5) to int
Required, modify job SQL
to change
@index_flag to
int datatype.