Configuration using resource files
128 Adaptive Server Enterprise
Resource file variables
Table A-1 lists the resource file variables. Before running the resource file,
change all variables that start with “PUT-THE-*” with the corresponding value
of the variable in Table A-1, or delete the value entirely.
Table A-1: Resource file variable values
Variable, “PUT-THE-” Description
sybinit) The directory in which to install Adaptive
Server, %SYBASE%. For example c:\sybase
RELEASE-DIRECTORY (sybinit) The Program folder for the window icons.
PORT-NUMBER The port number by which to identify
Adaptive Server on the network, such as 5000.
NAME-OF-THE-SERVER The Adaptive Server name. Example names
include TEST, USE-DEFAULT, or any name
up to 31 characters in length.
PATH-OF -YOUR-MASTER-DEVICE-HERE The master device path name and file name,
such as C:\sybase\data\master.dat.
master device size, such as 30 for 30MB.
The system procedures path name and file
name, such as C:\sybase\data\sybprocs.dat.
The size of the system procedures device,
which stores the
sybsystemprocs database,
such as 120 for 132MB (default).
PATH-AND-NAME-OF-THE-ERRORLOG The path in which Adaptive Server error logs
are placed, such as
sqlsrv) The character set used by Adaptive Server,
such as CP 850.
CHARACTERSET (sybinit) The character set used to install Sybase
products, such as CP 850.
NAME-OF-THE-BACKUP-SERVER (default Backup Server) The name of the default server to be used as a
model to create the Backup Server. Example
names include TEST_BS or USE-DEFAULT.
If you specified a custom Adaptive Server
name, add the extension “_BS” to the name.
NAME-OF-THE-BACKUP-SERVER (Backup Server) The Backup Server name. Example names
include TEST_BS or USE-DEFAULT. If you
specified a custom Adaptive Server name, add
the extension “_BS” to the name.