CHAPTER 2 Installing Adaptive Server
Installation Guide 19
6 Once you’ve determined the license you wish to generate, select it via the
Generate radio button on the left side of the screen. Scroll to the bottom of
the page, and click Select to Generate.
7 Step one of the SySAM license generation wizard asks you to choose
between a served license and an unserved license. If you choose a served
license, continue with the steps in “Generating a served license” on page
19, and if you choose an unserved license, continue with the steps in
“Generating an unserved license” on page 20.
Note Some Sybase Products or specific license types do not give you a
choice of license model to use, and therefore do not display this page. If
this is the case, proceed with the SySAM license generation wizard to
generate your license.
Generating a served license
To generate a served license:
1 Select Served License and click Next.
2 Indicate the quantity of licenses you wish to generate and click Next.
3 Enter the License Server Host ID and optionally the host name and port
a Sybase recommends that you provide the host name here to ease
future license administration.
b A port number is not required unless you are using a 3-node redundant
cluster. A valid number is any unused port number between 0 and
64000. On UNIX, choose a port greater than 1024, since those less
than 1024 are privileged port numbers. If no TCP/IP port number is
specified, one of the default ports in the range of 27000 and 27009 is
c If you want to generate a license for a 3-node redundant cluster, then
you must specify the host ID, host name, and port number for the three
nodes of the cluster. The port number is not optional for this
configuration and should be outside of the 27000 to 27009 range.