Increasing device and database capacity for system procedures
140 Adaptive Server Enterprise
and not exists (select vstart
from sysusages u2
where u2.dbid != u.dbid
and u2.vstart between d.low and d.high)
• d.name – is the list of devices to remove from
• d.phyname – is the list of files to remove from your computer
The “not exists” clause in this query excludes any devices that are used
both by
sybsystemprocs and other databases.
Note the names of the devices; you will need them in the steps.
2 Drop
use master
drop database sybsystemprocs
Note In versions of Adaptive Server Enterprise prior to 15.0, you use
sysdevices to determine which device has a low through high virtual page
range that includes the vstart from Step 2. The device fragment whose
vstart you used is on that device
In the 15.0 version of Adaptive Server Enterprise select the
vdevno from
sysusages matching the dbid retrieved in Step 1.
3 Find another existing device that meets the requirements for additional
free space, or use a
disk init command similar to the following to create an
additional device for
1> use master
2> go
1> disk init
2> name = "sysprocsdev",
3> physname = "%SYBASE%\data\sysproc.dat",
4> vdevno = 9,
5> size = 51200
6> go
where %SYBASE%\data is the path to your system procedures device.
4 Create a
sybsystemprocs database of the appropriate size on that device,
for example: