CHAPTER 5 Upgrading Adaptive Server
Installation Guide 79
7 Back up all existing databases before upgrading. Once you have done so,
select Yes.
8 When the upgrade is complete, the
syconfig utility displays the message,
“Upgrade completed successfully.” Select OK.
Repeat this procedure to upgrade Monitor Server.
Note To check the upgrade, use the Windows Notepad to view the log file in
Upgrading Job Scheduler
After upgrading to the new Adaptive Server, perform the following steps to
upgrade Job Scheduler.
Note You must have $SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/bin directory in $PATH so the
isql executable is accessible.
v Upgrading Job Scheduler
1 Copy the directory services entry for JSAGENT (or jsagent) from the old
server to the new server.
2 Make sure your new server is running.
3 Stop the Job Scheduler. From
isql, issue:
sybmgmtdb..sp_js_wakeup "stop_js", 1
4 Ensure that at least 9000 locks are configured. If the number of locks on
the server is less than 9000, use
sp_configure to increase the number of
sp_configure "number of locks", 9000
5 Upgrade the internal Job Scheduler SQL using isql:
use sybmgmtdb
dbcc upgrade_object