Installing PC-Client products
52 Adaptive Server Enterprise
PC-Client Components are provided so they can be installed on client
computers. You may install PowerDesigner, PowerTransfer, and Infomaker on
the same computer as Adaptive Server.
1 Verify that your computer has sufficient disk space for each product.
2 If you are unloading components, log in using an account with
administrator privileges.
3 Close any open applications or utilities to free memory and system
4 Insert the PC-Client CD in the CD drive. The menu program should start
Alternatively, you can start the menu program from the Windows Start
menu. Select Start | Run, and enter the following, where X is your CD
5 Select Install PC Client Components 15.0.2 from the menu.
6 When the Installer starts, the Welcome window displays. Click next.
7 When the Sybase license agreement displays, select a country, click
Agreement, then click Next.
8 Enter the directory path and click Next.
• If user has Sybase Central previously installed to a directory other
than the one specified in step 5 the following pop-up dialogue will be
The install program detected a previously
installed copy of Sybase Central 4.3 in the
following directory '{0}'. It is recommended that
the Sybase Central updates and Adaptive Server
plugins be installed in this location rather than
'{0}'. Do you want to continue installing Sybase
Central and Adaptive Server plugin in '{2}'?
• If you choose “no” to above question, the following pop-up
dialogue will be shown
You have chosen to install Sybase Central in a new
location. Once the installation is complete you will
no longer be able to access plug-ins previously
registered. In order to access these plug-ins you
will need to manually re-register the previously
installed plug-ins. Do you want to continue?