PC-Client product descriptions and directory layout
12 Adaptive Server Enterprise
Separately installable PC-Client products
The PC-Client CD also contains the following products, which are separately
• InfoMaker® – a tool for personal data access, management, and reporting,
used by both developers and end users. InfoMaker allows you to create
presentation-quality reports and powerful queries without the
complexities of programming. It complements client/server business
applications and development tools as well as desktop productivity suites.
• PowerDesigner Physical Architect – a tool for data modeling, including
database design, generation, maintenance, reverse engineering, and
documentation for database architects.
• PowerTransfer – a plug-in for PowerDesigner™ that transfers table data
from any supported database to Adaptive Server.
• SAMreport – a Macrovision report generator that helps you monitor the
usage of applications that use FLEXnet licensing.
Language Modules Installed into the locales directory. Provides system messages and date/time formats.
Character Sets Installed into the charsets directory. Provides character sets available for use with
Adaptive Server.
jConnect Installed into the jConnect-6_0 directory. Provides a Java Database Connectivity
(JDBC) driver for Adaptive Server.
Agent Management
This is a Sybase Central plug-in that manages the Unified Agent. It is installed into
the AMCP directory.
Interactive SQL Interactive SQL is a GUI tool that allows you to execute SQL statements, build
scripts, and display data from Adaptive Server. It is installed into the DBISQL
Unified Agent Unified Agent is a management framework that provides runtime services to manage,
monitor, and control distributed Sybase resources. Agents plug into the framework
and provide the ability to manage specific components. It is installed into the new UA
directory %SYBASE%\UAF-2_0.
jutils-2_0 A collection of Adaptive Server utility programs including:
jisql – a JDBC-based GUI isql tool.
ribo – a tool to trace TDS traffic between client program and Adaptive Server.
Product Description