Suspending transaction processing and replication activities
132 Adaptive Server Enterprise
• Disabling the log truncation point.
After upgrading to version 15.0, complete the post-upgrade tasks to re-enable
database replications functions.
For more information, see the Replication Server Reference Manual and the
Replication Server System Administration Guide.
Warning! As a safeguard, perform a dump database and a dump transaction
before executing the procedures in the following sections.
To determine whether your existing server contains replicated databases:
isql to connect to the Server you are upgrading.
2 Run the following command in each database (including system
1> dbcc gettrunc
2> go
3 If the command returns “1” for “ltm_trunc_state” in any database,
replication is enabled in that database.
Suspending transaction processing and replication
To suspend replication of and transaction activity in the databases:
1 Verify that subscriptions that are being created by the
create subscription
command, with primary data in the databases being upgraded, have
reached the “valid” state at the primary Replication Server before you
begin the upgrade. Use the
check subscription command to find the “valid”
Defer the upgrade process while the subscriptions are being created so that
Replication Server does not interfere by attempting to access the database
being upgraded.
Make sure that no users create subscriptions for data in the database you
are upgrading until the upgrade procedure is finished.
2 Execute
rs_helproute in each Replication Server System Database (RSSD)
being upgraded.