CHAPTER 5 Upgrading Adaptive Server
Installation Guide 77
Reenabling auditing
Reenable all auditing options for stored procedures using the audit options you
recorded during pre-upgrade. Reenter the audit options using
For example, if you had enabled stored procedure auditing for
stored procedure in your server before upgrade, run the following
command to reenable auditing on
sp_audit "exec_procedure", "all", "sp_addlogin", "on"
Adaptive Server 12.5.x and later includes the following global audit options for
• dbcc
The functionality provided by the following sp_auditoption options is now
covered by the
sp_audit security global audit option:
server boot
• roles
These options are turned off by default and are not turned on even if you used
sp_auditoption "all", "on" to turn on all global audit options in a version earlier
than 11.5.
To turn on these options, use:
1> sp_audit "security", "all", "all", "on"
2> go
1> sp_audit "dbcc", "all", "all", "on"
2> go
For more information, see the Reference Manual.
Special considerations for threshold procedures for audit segments
If your installation used a threshold procedure to archive the sysaudits table
using T-SQL similar to the following example:
INSERT MyPre15SysAuditHistoryTable SELECT * FROM
Where n corresponds to the sysaudits table number 1 – 8 and
MyPre15SysAuditHistoryTable is a table defined prior to Adaptive Server
version 15.0.2, then you must alter MyPre15SysAuditHistoryTable to add a
nodeid column using the following command: