
Data Protector Documentation
Data Protector documentation comes in the form of manuals and online
Manuals Data Protector manuals are available in printed format and in PDF
format. Install the PDF files during the Data Protector setup procedure
by selecting the User Interface component on Windows or the
OB2-DOCS component on UNIX. Once installed, the manuals reside in the
<Data_Protector_home>\docs directory on Windows and in the
/opt/omni/doc/C/ directory on UNIX. You can also find the manuals in
PDF format at http://ovweb.external.hp.com/lpe/doc_serv/
HP OpenView Storage Data Protector Administrator’s Guide
This manual describes typical configuration and administration tasks
performed by a backup administrator, such as device configuration,
media management, configuring a backup, and restoring data.
HP OpenView Storage Data Protector Installation and Licensing
This manual describes how to install the Data Protector software, taking
into account the operating system and architecture of your environment.
This manual also gives details on how to upgrade Data Protector, as well
as how to obtain the proper licenses for your environment.
HP OpenView Storage Data Protector Integration Guide
This manual describes how to configure and use Data Protector to back
up and restore various databases and applications. There are two
versions of this manual:
• HP OpenView Storage Data Protector Windows Integration Guide
This manual describes integrations running the Windows operating
systems, such as Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SQL, Oracle, SAP
R/3, Informix, Sybase, NetApp Filer, HP OpenView Network Node
Manager, and Lotus Domino R5 Server.